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Headquartered in Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, Hoffmann has been operating in the construction industry for more than a 100 years. They provide services in the areas of civil and engineering works, new build projects, renovations, and installations. LetsBuild is being used in the renovation of 378 apartments, which includes the replacement of facades, windows, doors, bathrooms, balconies, and roof terraces. The project is taking place in Vildbanegård, 18 kilometers outside of Copenhagen, Denmark.

A definite time benefit from LetsBuild

Typically in construction, 20-30% of your time is spent delegating daily and/or weekly tasks to construction team.

“We minimise the number of visits I get from workers at the office because now they are able to keep updated by themselves. And the best part is, if deviations to the plan should occur, I can quickly set a new date,” says Shoukat Naeimi, Project Manager at Hoffmann.

LetsBuild has also made it easy for workers on-site to be kept up-to-date on any changes to the plan.

“Through LetsBuild, you are able to make updates instantly, so the workers can see what is ready to be made and what is not, so they don’t need to turn up needlessly to the site and waste their time. If something is not ready to be made, they can just start working on another task instead of running back and forth for no reason,” says Shoukat Naeimi.

With LetsBuild, you get an overview of the project at the office, instead of you going out to inspect every single activity that is going on, which takes a lot of time. From where I sit, I can estimate when a specific task needs to be done, I can adapt the plan accordingly, and every worker has an updated version
Shoukat Naeimi
Project Manager, Hoffmann

An overview of the entire project

Working on a renovating 378 apartments is not easy and one can often lose track of project progress. LetsBuild has provided Hoffmann with full project overview in real time.

“With LetsBuild, you get an overview of the project at the office, instead of you going out to inspect every single activity that is going on, which takes a lot of time. From where I sit, I can estimate when a specific task needs to be done, I can adapt the plan accordingly, and every worker has an updated version,” says Shoukat Naeimi.

Standardised work processes for Hoffmann

LetsBuild’s copy project template feature enables managers to copy the programme from one project and duplicate it to other projects. This enables people to bring standardisation and predictability to their projects. This feature turned out to be very valuable for Hoffmann.

“In the beginning, you are able to make a detailed timetable with LetsBuild, which should be used on a project, but after that, you are able to extend that to other projects. I can just copy tasks, which saves me time,” says Shoukat Naeimi.

How to see everything happening on site

Discover how management in 934 construction companies achieved peace of mind by ELIMINATING the use of text messages, phone calls, WhatsApp, email, Excel, paperwork, and formal reports.